FREE Game Dev Help!
Bringing 25 years of programming and 11+ years of Unity experience to work on your problem.
Friday, April 23 2021, at 11:00 AM CST
I'm asking for an email address as the price of admission -- this is also the best way to get notified of future events.
Countdown to the next call:
Get Your Game Unstuck!
This will be an informal group coaching call lasting 1 hour. I'll help whoever shows up as much as I can during that time.
My experience is in Unity and programming, but I can also answer general game dev or programming questions
If you're stuck with an existing game or maybe don't know how to approach a problem -- this is the place to find it
Not sure how to start a new project, revive or debug an old one? I can probably help point you in the right direction.
This is not going to be a place for a deep dive into anyone's code, but plan to share your screen & project if requested
About the Host:
I'm Greg Dunn, The Game Dev Coach. I've been programming professionally for the last 25 years. Beyond that, I've been making games on whatever computer I could find since the early 80's. Back then, it was a lot harder to make a game, and nearly impossible to get help if you were stuck on some aspect of it. You had to power your way through it or hope you could find somebody who knew more than you did -- and there weren't a lot of people programming on home computers back then.
I normally charge a lot of money per hour when I'm bringing my 25 years of programming experience to help bring their vision to life. But I'm donating my time to game developers who are stuck so that nobody faces the same issues I did when I was learning how to build games. I've also had a lot of awesome people help me over the years, and I want to give back.
Want to see some of the stuff I've done? Check out my YouTube channel or Twitter account below... or the Facebook groups (Indie Game Dev; Unity Developers) that I'm regularly active in.
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